ICPR – International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine

Visit to the Uruguay River

Picture: Intendencia de Río Negro Uruguay

After two visits of experts from South America to Europe (2022 and 2023), a previous visit of experts to South America (2023) and several online meetings, the President and Executive Secretary of the ICPR have visited the Uruguay River in July 2024. The visit covered the area of the Uruguay river that forms the natural border between Uruguay and Argentina that is administered by both countries, and that reflects the beneficial effects of transboundary water resources management within river basin cooperation. 

Thanks a lot for the invitation and the interesting exchange on topics such as water quality monitoring, ecological continuity, floodplains, nature protection corridors and many more!

Background: Since 2022, there has been an exchange between authorities from the Uruguay River and the Rhine. Argentina and Uruguay work together in the Administrative Commission of the Uruguay River (CARU). The Committee for the Development of the Uruguay River Basin (CCRU) also involves Brazil. Alongside the ICPR, the Central Commission for the Navigation of the Rhine (CCNR) has participated in the exchange in recent years. Support came from the Association of European Border Regions (AEBR).