ICPR – International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine

Public participation

The objective of the EC Water Framework Directive is to achieve good water status. Not only pressures from hazardous substances but above all the aquatic flora and fauna are to be addressed.

In order to achieve good status the states of the Rhine river basin implement programmes of measure and surveillance programmes. Where required, the states co-operate on an international basis.

The directive strongly requires the public that is all inhabitants of the Rhine river basin to participate in the process.

Thus, during the first half of 2009, the public had a possibility of participating. Replies to statements the ICPR received on the draft of the management plan 2009-2015 (part A) are available here.

Thus, during the first half of 2015, the public has again had a possibility of participating. Replies to statements the ICPR received on the draft of the management plan 2016-2021 (part A) are available here.

Thus, from April to October 2021, the public has again had a possibility of participating. Replies to statements the ICPR received on the draft of the management plan 2022-2027 (part A) are available in German, French and Dutch.

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