ICPR – International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine

Workshop: Sediment balance and sediment management

24 and 25 June 2024, CCNR Strasbourg

On their way from the source to the mouth, rivers transport sediments of different grain sizes. Yet, the sediment balance is strongly influenced by human intervention on many river sections. As part of the programme "Rhine 2040", the states in the Rhine river basin have agreed on the goal of improving the sediment balance in the river basin. The ICPR has, therefore, organised a workshop on sediment management in the premises of the CCNR in Strasbourg on 24 June 2024.

  • Do we need a quantitative sediment management plan?
  • If yes, should it be integrated with the qualitative sediment management plan?
  • How can the states coordinate measures more effectively?
  • What knowledge gaps and needs are there to standardise monitoring methods?

These and many other questions were discussed during our workshop by around 60 international experts. During an excursion, participants visited the “Rohrschollen” island in the Upper Rhine, where measures to restore ecology and sediment dynamics have been implemented. The topic of sediment management will continue to be an issue for the ICPR in the coming years.

The workshop programme and presentations are available below.

Programme (not available in English, therefore see ICPR website in other languages, e.g. German)


Results of the workshop (not available in English, therefore see ICPR website in other languages, e.g. German)