The water quality of the Rhine and its tributaries is constantly monitored as part of the surveillance monitoring at the international monitoring sites. For the identification of the development of the Rhine water quality, these data are regularly compiled, validated and…
The Rhine Monitoring Programme Biology 2024/2025 records the joint monitoring on the main stream of the Rhine of the quality components phytoplankton, macrophytes / phytobenthos, macrozoobenthos and fish. Among others it includes the lists of monitoring stations and contacts, the…
The programme "Rhine 2040", which was adopted by the Conference of Rhine Ministers on 13.02.2020, states that the "influx of micropollutants into waters from municipal waste water collection and treatment systems, industry and commerce as well as agriculture is to be reduced by…
This report provides an overview of chloride concentrations and dischargers in the Rhine catchment (2018). The reason for this were low discharges in the Rhine catchment in 2018, which were related to high chloride concentrations.