The Strategy Group (SG) is preparing decisions of the joint sessions of the Plenary Assembly and of the Coordination Committee Rhine (PLEN-CC) and of Conferences of Ministers. It co-ordinates, pilots and assesses all ICPR work based on technical work of working groups and expert groups as well as project groups. It assumes a perspective role with respect to future ICPR tasks.
Within the implementation of these tasks, the subordinate Strategy Group (SG-K) supports the Strategy Group (SG) and prepares its decisions. The SG-K assumes the role of a filter between the working groups and project groups on the one hand and the Strategy Group on the other.
As regards content of tasks, the Strategy Group is in charge of the permanent tasks resulting from the current Rhine Convention and the Programme “Rhine 2020” on the one hand and from the implementation of the EU directives: Water Framework Directive (WFD), priority substances (EQS), groundwater, Marine Strategy Directive (MSD, within the scope of issues of the river basin Rhine) , Floods Directive (FD) and eventually further EU regulations concerning the river basin district Rhine (catchment > 2,500 km²) on the other hand. They comprise:
a. Updating and further elaboration of management questions relevant for the entire Rhine area, if required.
b. Adjustment and optimisation of surveillance programmes for the IRBD Rhine and checking the coherence of evaluation, eventually see to required adjustments.
c. Coordination and updating of surveys and management programmes as well as flood risk management plans; exchange of information on measures relevant for the international river basin Rhine; agreement on further coordination requirement, e.g. within the further development of adaptation strategies concerning the impacts of climate change.
d. Balance and evaluation of the implementation of international management plans and flood risk management plans and of measures relevant for the international river basin district Rhine.
e. Eventually initiate new fields of activity in reaction to new developments or events (e.g. accidents, incidents or natural events) not covered by the above mentioned points.
For the SG, the following tasks result from this mandate:
I. Identification of products / job orders (including priorities) and work organisation
Horizontal agreement on and coordination of work on the working plans of working groups and project groups including (i) products to deliver and priorities, (ii) deadlines of delivery and (iii) organisation of work (e.g. whether expert groups should be set up).
II. Surveillance and piloting of achieving products / execution
Check on the state of work and achieving reports / products of working groups and project groups with respect to fulfilling mandates based on periodical reports of the presidents and control that deadlines set are respected.
III. Evaluation and approval of products
Upon recommendation of the SG-K see to the definite check of the reports/products mentioned above, approval and transfer to PLEN-CC, among others release for publishing the products.
IV. Public relations work and exchange of information
1. Initiate and pilot the ICPR public relations work.
2. Determine the structure of the exchange of information with accredited non-governmental organisations (NGO) and with parties interested and concerned (see rules of Procedure and Financial Regulations of the ICPR, item 8).
3. Coordinate the exchange of information with the EU (Common Implementation Strategy) and other international commissions, in particular river basin commissions or OSPAR and exchange of information on the implementation of the Marine Strategy Directive, in particular for inland states in the IRBD Rhine.
4. Exchange of information and experience with respect to national experience and methods on public participation in implementing EU directives related to river basins and eventually drafting supplementary measures and concepts at an international level.
V. Budget and staff
Issues relating to budget and staff are discussed and resolved in separately summoned meetings of the heads of delegations. If required, these items / solutions are prepared in SG meetings.
The „Subordinate Strategy Group (SG-K)” is in charge of preparing contents and organisation of work and decision-making in the Strategy Group. SG-K is part of SG and may, if required, meet more often than SG.