The Warning and Alarm Plan Rhine (WAP) distinguishes between warnings, information and search reports.
The International Main Alert Centres (IHWZ) issue warnings in cases of water pollution incidents implying substances noxious to water, if the amounts or concentrations…
The list of Rhine substances which is updated every three years determines the substances to be measured annually at the international main monitoring stations within the chemical monitoring programme for the Rhine. The list of Rhine substances 2017 (ICPR technical report no.…
The Rhine Monitoring Programme Biology 2018 /2019 records the joint monitoring on the main stream of the Rhine of the quality components phytoplankton, macrophytes / phytobenthos, macrozoobenthos and fish. Among others it includes the lists of monitoring stations and contacts,…
The 14th Conference of Rhine Ministers on 18th October 2007 tasked the ICPR, among other things, with developing a joint, comprehensive strategy for reducing and avoiding the influx of micropollutants from urban wastewater and other (diffuse) sources into the Rhine and its…
To determine the effects of measures on flood risk the ICPR has developed a method which was integrated into a geographical information system (GIS). With the help of this new tool it is now possible to establish quantitatively the effectiveness of prevention measures on the…
A new ICPR tool is able to produce a quantitative proof of the effectiveness of flood prevention measures along the Rhine. Calculations show that the ambitious target defined in the Action Plan on Floods in 1998, to reduce flood risk by 25 % between 1995 and 2020 will be achieved…
The WAP distinguishes between warnings, information and search reports.
The International Main Alert Centres (IHWZ) issue warnings in cases of water pollution incidents implying substances noxious to water, if the amounts or concentrations concerned may detrimentally impact the…
The ICPR has decided to derive environmental quality standards for the Rhine according to the rules of Annex V, Paragraph 1.2.6 of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) for the list of substances relevant for the Rhine. As far as possible, these EQS Rhine are to be based on the…